Thursday, October 23, 2008

vote for hope

Election day is coming up real soon! I hope everyone goes out to vote!! You don't have to vote for obama, but just vote!! Let your voice be heard! And check out this video below inspired by Shepard Fairey... the guy does the OBEY art work. You might be inspired... 

Obama '08 - Vote For Hope from MC Yogi on Vimeo.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I've been waiting for this day for 5 years now. A true re-design of the macbook pro!!! Isn't it just full of awesomeness??!! I can't wait to get my hands on this thing. One interesting change to the design is the touchpad - it's made of glass and it has not button. The whole touchpad is a button! How cool is that?

Prices are the same though which is sort of disappointing, but i'm sure it's all worth it! 

Current wishlist:

1. New Macbook Pro
2. Canon 5D Mark II

Is that too much to ask for? It's only like $6,000! F!@#*(&@#($#*)!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Baby Jordan

Oh how fast the time goes... Sara and Dju just had their baby boy on Oct. 5, 2008. Welcome to the world Jordan! Can't wait to teach him a fake british accent! Here are a few pics of Jordan Joshua Ju. He's freakin cute!