Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama, respective presumed Republican and Democratic presidential nominees, will end the primary season by making their first joint appearance of the 2008 campaign at Saddleback Church on Saturday, Aug.16 (TOMORROW) at the Saddleback Civil Forum on Leadership and Compassion.
“The primaries proved that Americans care deeply about the faith, values, character and leadership convictions of candidates as much as they do about the issues. While I know both men as friends and they recognize I will be frank, but fair, they also know I will be raising questions in these four areas beyond what political reporters typically ask. This includes pressing issues that are bridging divides in our nation, such as poverty, HIV/AIDS, climate and human rights.”
Everyone should tune in tomorrow or tivo this event. I believe it is important to know who our candidates are, and where they stand on important human issues. The forum is not going to be in a debate format. Rather, each candidate will be given 1 hour each to answer questions given by Rick Warren. Should be awesome!
You can watch it on CNN or FOX live at 5pm! I'm so sad I couldn't get tickets to this thing.