All this talk about "change" in this 2008 election. What kind of change does this country need? I think there are a lot things that we can change... health care, poverty, environment... the list can go on. But how can we bring about change? Change begins with inspiration; and inspiration comes from the hope that things don't have to remain status quo, but instead progress into something better.
I'm a firm supporter of Barack Obama. Many fear his lack of experience will be the downfall of his potential presidency. However, I believe that his lack of experience only tells of his optimism and hope for this country. Inspiration is the foundation of his campaign, and the core of his character. This country, that was once the leader of innovation and prosperity, has lost its place in this world. What this country needs is a leader that can inspire - someone that can inspire young people to educate themselves in the academics and the arts, the wealthy to share their God given wealth with the poor, people of all ethnicities to embrace one another without prejudice or discrimination.
Can Obama accomplish these things? Probably not. But can he begin this movement? I believe he can. I believe that he embodies what this country was meant to be - a place where all nations can come together and be united in the blessings of democracy and prosperity. He's not a perfect man... nor will he ever become one. But he is the only one out of all the candidates that can really bring about this so-called "change" that each one of them are trying to sell.
"if you fear change, leave it here"
- tip jar
i love obama
we need to talk....
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